Commercial Patrols
Security Patrols & Lock Ups are a really effective way of ensuring that your business premises are locked up tight and all is secure at the end of each day. At some time most business owners and managers have arrived at work and found doors, gates or windows open. Or even worse we've found that some undesirable person has taken advantage of an unsecured area and your business has suffered as a result.
The cost of this scenario is often hard to quantify. Loss of plant & equipment, repairs due to malicious damage, staff morale and productivity all enter the equation.
You can reduce the risk of an annoying and potential expensive business interruptions by employing us to ensure your site has been secured at the end of each day..
Commercial Security Guards
Trained, licensed & uniformed security guards can minimise risk and harm, keep your assets safe and reduce liability. We offer guards for;
Event Security
Retail Security
Hotels Security
Construction Site Security
Schools Security
& more….